Amira - If facebook is checking someone's account and then facebook gets hacked the hacker can
see everything about the person on his or her account
Amira- if the person gets a friend request from a stranger that’s a hacker and agrees the hacker can see
everything even if its a private account.
Amira - what if an adult has made a account and have there profile picture is of there child or them when
they were young and facebook checks there account and bans them from facebook so he or she can’t
connect to it.
Pauline - No, Facebook should not be constantly checking if people’s account is over the age of 13. I
say this because how will Facebook know for sure if all the accounts are over the age of 13. Some
parent’s facebook accounts appear to look like it is a child but actually it is not. If Facebook constantly
checked its users, than there would be a high possibility of Facebook going too far with people’s privacy.
Chance- I don’t really think there is anything wrong with having facebook if your underage. My reason
saying is that FaceBook actually checks your personal account and they give private reasons of friend
requests. Being underaged on a social media account can also be supervised from your parents as well,
they can check up on what you are doing. Another thing is that you can get requests from family and
people you know but you may need to check with them since there are some people that catfish these days.
Troy- Under aged kids should be allowed to go on facebook but they should be supervised by their
Parent or Caregiver and they should only friend their family.